
My prophetic oil paintings

In art, one can speak of ” prophecies” ? Predictions by images or signs the history and future events of mankind? The way I want to give a personal contribution with an image from my archive . Whoever follows me will remember for some time the pictorial cycle of my ” Apocalypse ” presented by the Spanish gallery in 2008 which evoked in Ostuni, Continue reading “My prophetic oil paintings”


Book Paintings of Andrea Mancini

Book Paintings by Andrea Mancini, Oils on canvas between 2010 and 2013, on show from 1st of June 2014 at gallery 166arte Via Cavour, Florence. In planning for preview exhibition of Expo2015 in Milan. Catalog in gallery. Infoline: +39 055 5389062 / 329 8126256. Opening hours: thu-fri 10-13 / 16-20 – Closed at Monday.