
It is Art that Makes Life. Henry James.

It is Art that Makes Life, An Homage to Henry James Palagio Di Parte Guelfa – Florence
Thursday November 20th, 2014 at 5.30 pm

(Above: “Longstaff’s Marriage”, by Andrea Mancini 2014)

After its debut in Florence in 2013, Remember Henry James, a project dedicated to the American writer and constant traveller of the 18th century, continues with new events, exhibitions and conference until 2016, year of the centenary of his death.
To resume the results of the accomplished works and to have a look on future initiatives, a well structured event will take place at Palazzo Palagio da Parte Guelfa, Florence, on November 20th that offers a wide range of innovative approaches to literature and its interdisciplinary interpretation. Presented by Design of the Universe and Laverna.Net and curated by Beth Vermeer, this imminent cultural initiative opens towards various artistic perspectives and applications, from video art to literary conference, from a group show of about twenty artists, architects and designers to the interventions of poets and writers.
In June 2014 the international video contest for students and young video makers at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence has come to a conclusion. Therefore a remarkable feature of the autumn event will be the presence of the technical sponsor BMovie Production Venice that offers to the participants the possibility of achieving a group work regarding the topics of Henry James until spring 2015. On this occasion we would like to mention the video works selected by the commission :

The traveller by Riccardo Visone; Deaming Henry James by Bartolomeo Ciccone; Walk-in by Leopoldo Innocenti and Piero Piccioli. Special awards: What Henry James knew by Chiara Macinai for the use of technological effects; More by Golnar Dashti Knavidak for the innovative concept; Cattive Abitudini by Emanuele Brango for the interpretation of Henry James’s vision of women in a contemporary dimension. Contemporaneously with the students’ video works the contributions of some international video producers will be on display, with works b Raffaele De Martino Alessandro Fogar / Francesca Bergamasco Carlo Isola, Lawrence Isac Andreas Mares Marco Tessarolo Claire Jeanine Satin.

To give a scientific guide through the numerous stays of Henry James in Florence, Laura Desideri – Gabinetto Vieusseux, an indispensabile partner from the very beginning for the scientific seriousness of the project, narrates the Chronacle of the events of Henry James in Florence, unedited and very useful studies with all the dates, places and biographical index of Henry James’s life seasons in Florence.
The program concludes with the visit of the group show It is Art that makes Life which is a testimoniane of the variety of artistic, poetic, and critical interventions, creating an intriguing mosaic made of passages from the novels by Henry James. Among the artists, architects, designers, poets : Stefania Alba Mauro Benetti Silvia Bibbo Fiorella Bologna Valter Luca De Bartolomeis Uri De Beer Giampaolo Di Cocco Marilena Faraci Stangier Marcella Gallotta Julia Landrichter Andrea Mancini Andreas Mares Giulia Marsich Lorenzo Mullon Enzo Navarra Alfredo Romano Antonia Trevisan Claire Jeanine Satin. More than thirty art works from paintings to drawings, water-colours, art books, installation and assemblage, sculpture and fashion design, jewelry accompanied by the poetess Marisa Tumicelli and by the poetToni Piccini, and by the reading of henry James’s quotes by Victor Palchetti Beard.
A quick look in advance towards 2015: Remember Henry James has got new partners among which the Florence University of Arts that will propose studente courses in a new project outline : the transformation of texts by Henry James into interdisciplinary matters.

The entire project, concieved and curated by Beth Vermeer, has obtained the patronage of the City of Florence, of the Province of Florence, of the University of Florence, of the US Consulate General in Florence, of The British Institute and of the Gabinetto Vieusseux and is organized in collabiration with the City of Florence and the Academy of Fine Arts, its teachers and studente who have been engaged in the realization of a documentary on the life and work of Henry James, under the direction of the multimedia expert Carlo Isola.
Information : www.rememberjames.eu
Press Office: press@rememberjames.eu www.design-of-the-universe.com – www.laverna.net – www.166a.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/166A-Studio-Darte Twitter: https://twitter.com/166arte

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